Confession time!!! I absolutely HATE dealing with grocery shopping and cooking. I mean it is the last thing that I want to do (I would actually prefer to have root canal done). Cooking and being in the kitchen is just not my thing. My mother, who has always been an excellent cook, has tried for years to get me to appreciate and enjoy time in the kitchen…..and bless her heart that effort has failed miserably. Don’t get me wrong… I can cook. I have prepped healthy food. I did it consistently for a long time. I did it under protest over and over, got burnt out, and needless to say that time spent in my kitchen over the past year or so has been sporadic at best. I do see cooking as a chore and do not get an ounce of enjoyment out time in the kitchen.
Unfortunately, my decision to refocus on healthy living and eating has brought me face to face with this demon. Even though I do my best to pick healthy options when I eat out, it is completely unrealistic for me to think that restaurant dining and avoiding my kitchen is going to get me the health results that I am looking for right now. I want to find a way to eat healthy and not have to do the grocery shopping and the cooking. Yes….Yes….I know that is having my quinoa and eating it too. If I could, I would hire myself a health nutritionist/chef to do all this leg work for me, but unfortunately I have not pinpointed the exact location of that stinking money tree yet!
However, I am excited to say that I think I have found the next best solution!!!!!! I stumbled across a business here in Arizona (BTW…also in Texas, California, and Idaho) a couple of weeks ago that was created exactly for someone like me! It is called….
My Fit Foods was started by a personal trainer that began cooking meals for his clients that were not getting results in their fitness programs because they were not eating the right foods, were too busy to cook, or HATED TO COOK (HEY! That’s me!). I am sooo excited!
You go in and pick out your healthy, clean, pre-made, pre-packaged, perfectly portioned meals from the really LARGE refrigerators. If you want, you also have the option to order your food a day ahead and pick it up the next day to ensure what you are looking for will always be in stock. All the food is made fresh there with no preservatives. Each meal has a “best by” date on it that will not exceed more than five days from the time you purchase it. The protein/carbohydrate/fat ratios are balanced and the meals come in three different sizes based on your caloric needs. Their meals are healthy and tasty! In addition, many of their meal choices are also GLUTEN FREE! On top of everything else….grocery shopping and food prep this week has taken me 30 minutes! Pinch me I think I am dreaming!!! What’s the catch?
Well, I will tell you. It is more expensive than doing your own food prep of course. Each meal can range anywhere from $4.85 to $10 a meal with the average being about $6.00/meal (depending on what you get and the size you get). Of course, you also do not have 100% control of what goes into the meals, which is a huge plus to prepping your own food. Nothing will replace the value of preparing, portioning, and packing up your own food. I will eventually get back to doing my own food prep, but for now this is going to get me going in the right direction and is a great interim solution.
That is so cool. I could use someone like this in the Portland Oregon area!! Good job getting back on track. Something about the start of a new season.