Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let's Celebrate!!!!!

I must absolutely open with huge CONGRATULATIONS for both of the transformation groups today.  The powerhouses in Group 2 have kicked off their first week and are rolling!   We are with you ladies every step of the way.   To both groups I say...maintain your focus and remember your goals as you bust through and KILL THIS WEEK! 
Just as a quick side note, I would like to take time out to recognize Kathy Wyatt who gets the “Powerhouse Award” of the week.  Apparently, being filled with excitement and motivation to get into her first workout at the gym, she innocently picked up a kettlebell that had an 8 on it at her gym to use for her one arm kettlebell squat swings.  As she pushed through her sets, she tells me all she could think about was,”Wow! This 8 lbs is challenging…I don’t remember 8 lbs being this heavy”.  It was only after she completed her third round that she realized the 8 on the kettle bell was referring to 8 KILOGRAMS….NOT POUNDS! 
Hmmmmm….....let’s see there are 2.2 lbs in 1 kilogram…..
Hmmmmm…….Have you finished the math yet???? 
That is 17.6 lbs!!!!!  GREAT JOB Hercules!......ummmmm, I mean Kathy! 
As a result, Kathy is now officially deemed the “Kettlebell Queen”!

Group 1, in their second week, had their check-in calls last night……. 
MAGIC number = 17.4!!!! 
17.4 collective pounds lost since group started on November 14th!!!!  These ladies are KILLING it!  Chelle and I were literally doing the “DANCE OF JOY” on and after every phone call last night. (Multiply the silliness of the mental picture in your mind right now by about 10 and that picture will be pretty accurate)  To the ladies we spoke with…..Thank you for working so hard, we could not be more proud of you!!!!!  This is only the beginning of your success.   Healthy lifestyles are supported by solid foundations…..Solid foundations are built with the focus, consistency, and hard work.  Obviously, you had ALL THREE this week!   Keep up the good work!

Just a reminder to everyone, if you have not seen the individual pages for all of these incredible ladies you must check them out:  In addition to their bios, you can now read their personal weekly journal entries and see their progress as they work through their 12 weeks.  Check it out and see what Ashley got caught doing in her car this week…..?????? 
Holy Roasted Turkey, Batman!!  I can’t believe Thanksgiving is here.  I am soooooooo excited, every time I think about it I start drooling (again, not a pretty picture).  I am a self proclaimed carb-monster with a very large week spot for stuffing.   I fight on a daily basis to keep that monster tamed and in check.  Ok, focus……Chelle hit the nail right on the head yesterday in "It's Almost Thanksgiving" when she spoke about free meals, and portion size.  When you have a goal, you have to avoid finding yourself falling into this trap…… 
How do you do this????   You absolutely have to create a PLAN.  Planning to attack Thanksgiving instead of allowing Thanksgiving to attack you will leave you feeling satisfied, treated, guilt-free, and still on track.  Know what you are going to do ahead of time.  My advice is to move through the holiday as if you would any other day and eat your 5-6 healthy meals.  Don’t skip any.  By doing this you avoid sitting down at the table famished (the kiss of death for anyone) and feeling like you have to load up your plate and eat everything in sight.  Plan out the things that you really want to eat and eat them guilt free in reasonable portions.  Then get back on the plan. 
Thanksgiving Fact:  The average number of calories consumed on Thanksgiving day is 4500 with 229 grams of fat…..Are you kidding me?!?!?!?! 
Trust me when I say that I too have for so many years been a willing victim of overeating on Thanksgiving.  I have been known to eat until I am so stuffed that I can’t even sit up straight.   The prizes I win for doing this…  immediate mental feelings of regret, physically feeling like garbage, sabotaging any progress that I have made toward my goal that week, inherent feelings of lethargy, and horrible workouts the next few days.  
In light of this revelation, I have decided to implement a couple of extra precautions into my plan to make sure that I don’t "Gobble 'til I Wobble"!

First, I am going to go participate in the annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot.  Yes, I will be up bright and early (Thank goodness for Starbucks to get me going, and TIVO so I don’t miss the Macy’s parade on TV) in the crisp air with 1200 of my closest friends chasing down a person dressed up as a Turkey……. (This is NOOOOOOO lie!)

Second, last week at the mall with Chelle,  I found the perfect tool to help keep me honest and my portions in check.  The last piece of my plan!  While everyone is eating off of the fine china, I will be using my new........

I am all SET!!!!!   I hope that everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! and remember.....
DO NOT to Gobble 'til you Wobble!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Welcome to the Party!!

Sometimes life happens and there is no way that you can stop it.  Unfortunately, that is what happened for one of our transformation participants and they had to resign their position in the case study.  Due to the timing, however, Chelle and I decided we wanted to make sure that we filled the position with our number 9 pick.  So without further ado, it is our pleasure to Welcome
Carlene Hetland to a group of fabulous women on the road to change their lives!!!!!  Please take some time to check out her bio as well as the other transformation participants at the following link:
In addition, in response to the outpouring of support for these incredible women, we have set up a page to post any supportive words of encouragement that you may have for them.  If you have anything that you would like us to pass on to them please e-mail us at    Any submissions and words of encouragement for any or all of our participants will be posted on this page.   Please check it out when you get an opportunity.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh, The Monday Aftermath!

TBC (Total Body Conditioning), as it is taught at our gym, is typically a workout that combines muscle/resistance training with high powered cardio intervals.  I love teaching it because I get to be as creative as I want with the format and the exercises while having a ton of tools at my disposal (i.e. – dumb bells, steps, resistance bands, stability balls etc.)  I am not lying when I say that I will use anything and everything in the room if I think we can build a better body using it…even the lint on the floor if necessary.  After pondering and laying out the plan of yesterday’s class, I decided it would be good to send out a warning…

Tab:  "Hey! You might want to make sure that you leave enough time between snack #2 and TBC class."
Chelle:  "egads! Now I'm scared!"

Halfway through the class I did not realize as to how accurate my statement was going to be.  No joke….it was 60 minutes of non-stop energy (very little rest), great music, and calorie busting hard work.  Here is a rundown of what took place:

Overall Description:  4 Rounds/Stages of Circuits, each done 2x through and each with a theme that may look and sound a little familiar
(if you read yesterday’s blog you will know what I mean):

Stage 1:  GOALS: Think about the goal you want to accomplish during this stage
  • Dumb bell Chest Press
  • Sit-ups – with dumbbells continually pointed up to the ceiling
  • Dumb bell Pullovers
  • Sit-ups – with dumbbells continually pointed up to the ceiling
  • 30 Plank jacks – pretty much a jumping jack in plank position

Stage 2:  COURAGE:  Have the courage to go after your goal
·         Single arm dumb bell squat swings
·         Squats w/ lateral leg lifts
·         Squat thrusts
·         Mountain climbers
·         30s – 1 min Static squat holds

Stage 3:  YOUR BEST: Do your best to get closer to your goal
·         Woodchopper w/ one arm diagonal dumb bell swings
·         Resistance band rows
·         21s – Bicep curls w/ the resistance band
     *7 all the way up & halfway down
     *7 all the way down & half way up
     *7 all the way up & all the way down
·         Bench hops
·         Bench step ups/run ups/jump ups

Stage 4:  CONQUER: ‘Nough Said here!
·         Bench Dips
·         50 Push ups
·         50 Lower half squat pulses
·         30 Butt-ups – You can check this one out here:
·         Plank hold – 1min

When we were done, the equipment put away, and everyone was gone, Chelle and I shared a couple of looks that could only translated into one conversation (I love that we share a brain and can have conversations without even uttering a sound)….
“Where is the closet garbage can we can puke in?” :D
Which was followed by...”Now that was a great workout!”
And then finally”But….Who is going to carry us down the stairs to our cars?”  ;)

I have to say…for me, I will have fond thoughts of the queasiness of yesterday every time I go to move and feel the soreness today!  Killer Monday Workout…CHECK!

Bring on Tuesday!

Monday, November 14, 2011

FEAR! An Equal Opportunity Tormentor!

I have been in the fitness industry for over 10 years.  With my group fitness credentials I have taught hundreds of step classes, boot camp classes, muscle conditioning classes, kickboxing classes, and even a few dance classes.  A few months ago I participated in training to add both ZUMBA and cycle to my list of formats.  I do not have a problem wearing a microphone, nor do I have a problem being in front of a class (most of the time).   Ok so……With all this in mind, why is it, I ask you, that I am so MASSIVELY AFRAID to get out there and teach a ZUMBA or a cycle/spinning class???  We are talking butterflies the size of semi-trucks! 
Hello, my name is Tabitha and I am a “cycle and ZUMBA instructor virgin”.   Here’s the problem and what goes through my head regularly…  Unless my classes are perfect, there is no way anyone will want to come to them.  So rather than run the risk of being  the ZUMBA or cycle instructor that people DO NOT like, I should stick to what I know and with what I am comfortable doing.  Even though I have taught all the other formats so many times…and you can ask Chelle this…I still always get this flash of fear as I am standing outside the classroom door to go teach…”What if no one wants to come to my party”.  How is that for knocking yourself down!?!?!?! 
Like you all, I have people that I idolize.  Some of my idols are “STUPENDOUSLY WAY AWESOME” fitness instructors.   I have met them in person, taken their classes, and have trained with them to get my new certifications (i.e. – ZUMBA and Cycle).  Their classes are OUT OF THIS WORLD, the best classes I have ever been to.  Thank you JULZ ARNEY, JAY BLAHNIK and VANESSA LUPERCIO!   I am fortunate because they have shared with ME the tools I need to succeed in creating the same magic that they do on a regular basis.  But, stepping out of my comfort zone and putting myself out there in this way is sooooo HARD! 
What if I fail???  Ok now…..WAIT!!! STOP!
With all of the talk about goals and transformation in the last few weeks I decided this weekend that these unhealthy thinking patterns have got to change!!  I need to transform and get my mind in check.  After doing quite a bit of soul searching, talking to other instructors, talking to some of you (Thank You RFF Transformation Participants), and reviewing my tools, I finally have the courage to take the first step.   This step, as it was over 10 years ago when I first started teaching, is to focus on creating and COMPLETING my first class plans in these formats (something I have been struggling to do since I have gotten ZUMBA and cycling certified).  On Sunday, I started with a cycling class.  It took me all day practically, but I am happy to say that my first cycle class plan is DONE!  Next step…..PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE (‘nough said there)!   Then that final and most crucial step… JUMP OFF THE EDGE….get my booty in front of a class and TEACH IT! UGH! 
I know the last one is going to be the hardest.  However, I believe deep down that when I get on the other side of that first class it is going to be one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever had.  In the end, it is going to make all the uncertainty, discomfort, and struggle worth it, because I know that it is something I really enjoy and want to do well.  My first few classes are probably not going to be perfect, but that is why I am a work in progress.  I will continue to work at it and this how I will grow and improve.  Yuck!  Those words tasted like vinegar coming out of the mouth of a perfectionist.  All I want to do is to have fun and influence others in the same way that my idols have influenced me.   The only way I know to achieve this is to have the courage to put myself out there, to try my best, and do everything within my power to conquer these fears...even if I have to do it over and over again.  So here is my mantra for the week…..
 Ok, with that said…Let’s get this week started!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Building a better you… When “FAILURE” is on your side!

I know this is going to sound crazy, but have you ever stopped to think about the word “failure” and when it might be a good thing?  For a word that carries such a negative connotation, it can be one of the keys to success when you are trying to build a better body.  Failure, in reference to weightlifting, is what is used when describing the inability to safely complete a repetition (with GOOD FORM) during a set because there is not an ounce of physical energy left. This is exactly what you want to achieve in order for your body to change.  When you are at the point of failure you are using every ounce of your mental and physical power to try and do that repetition.  If the only way that you can perform that repetition is by compromising your form, only then are you done!  This is a good thing because after you have taken the time to break the muscle down in this manner during the workout, it will adapt and rebuild after the workout ultimately leaving you leaner, stronger, tighter and more toned.  When it is then faced with the same or similar challenges in the future it is better prepared to handle them.  Invoking enough of these failures causes the subsequent little changes to add up and you are looking, performing, and feeling exactly like you want. BAM! All of sudden your goal is achieved!

The mind has an uncanny knack of playing tricks on us! It will try to convince us that we are at the point of failure when they only thing you are feeling is “fatigue”.   Fatigue will definitely creep in and do everything in its power to convince you to stop.  BEWARE...  Because FATIGUE is excellent at its job!!!!  Just keep in mind that you have to mentally and physically push PAST muscle fatigue to get to muscle failure.  Feelings of muscle fatigue without failure are VERY possible and VERY common; however, there is

So long as you can continue to do an exercise with good form (KEEP IT SAFE EVERYONE!), even though it may be hard, you have not reached the “failure” you want.  Oh, and one more thing….if a task that you previously were achieving failure on is now becoming easier, make sure that you consistently change it up to create a new challenges for the body to conquer!  Uh oh, there are those “C” words again.  If you have forgotten or don’t remember what I am referring to, take a look back to check out my blog from last Thursday.
Have a good one everybody!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Uh oh! You said the "C" words...

So I have decided that I need a team of clones to get everything I need to get done in a day.  As you have read in Chelle’s blog the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for us.  We are talking crazy hectic schedules.  From Halloween to business to program to case study to butt kicking class (yes…..mine is sore today too) planning and execution, to say we are going a million miles an hour does not even begin to cover it. Oh, and just a side note,  did I mention that I am also currently learning how to play the piano on top of it all?  I actually just started not too long ago.  It is something that I have ALWAYS wanted to do and just recently decided to pursue it.  (Let it be known, that my goal is to be able to play the entire Billy Joel anthology) 

But, with all of the craziness, I have to say………Chelle and I are LOVING it!!!  I had no idea that in January of 2007, walking into the trainer’s office at Bally’s and meeting my new client, that I was meeting the person with which I would build a business, share my passion for health to others, and oh yeah….and also share my brain.   We are so grateful and appreciative of your support and input, without you all, we wouldn't be able to do what we do.  We are here for you and though it might be challenging, we are finding that it is the challenge that we thrive on to make us better.  We know that if we consistently push past the boundaries of our comfort zone we will adapt to the new boundaries of that zone getting us to where we want to ultimately be. 
CHALLENGE AND CONSISTENCY…These are great words aren’t they???  And they can be applied to so many different aspects in our lives.  In my mind they are two big keys to success in getting to a goal…especially a fitness goal.  First, you focus creating a realistic physical challenge for yourself as a step towards the overall goal….something that is going to force you a bit outside of what you are comfortable doing.  Our bodies, being extremely adaptable machines, are going to adjust to changes and challenges that we place on them.   Some examples of challenges we may set could include…..choosing different exercises for a workout, increasing the intensity of a workout, or increasing the duration of a workout.  By forcing the body to face a new challenge, you are going to invoke change! 
Consistency becomes important when you set out to conquer the challenge.  The nature of any challenge is, of course, meant to be hard at first.  It would not be called a challenge if it wasn’t.  Also, keep in mind that any new challenges presented in your program are inherently going to invoke change from the inside out.  You may not see immediate differences, but that does not mean that something is not working.  You have to stay consistent on your path for the adaptation process to happen.  The more consistent you are with the challenges you are trying to conquer the quicker you are to see the progress you desire.   Sometimes it takes time to see the changes you want. 
If you don’t stay consistent with working towards conquering your challenge, you run the risk of pacing back and forth on the same path without ever truly moving forward.  Don’t let this be the ingredient that allows you to deviate off of your path or stop you from moving completely.   Pay attention to the not so obvious signs that things are working…… These things may include feeling better, having more energy, lifting more weight, doing more pushups, and noticing that your clothes may be looser.  Acknowledge these signs as victories and allow them to further feed your drive to stay motivated and to continue to be even more consistent.   Eventually, without even blinking an eye, the challenge that was sooooooo hard before will be conquered.   Finally, and most importantly…..when you have conquered a challenge you have set for yourself….GET STARTED ON A NEW ONE!  HA!  Consistently set enough of these challenges and eventually it will only add up to one thing…….YOUR GOAL!

HOMEWORK.....Set up a new challenge for yourself today and let us know what it is!!!!!
Have a Great Thursday everyone!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Breaking News!!!!  The selections have been made and posted for the Case Study!  

Strike up the band!!!!............Checkout our site at
http://recipeforfitness/transformation.html for all the names, updates and latest news!!!!