It all begins one day with a VISION. After being slapped by inspiration, motivation, or the unfortunate desperation, you determine what it is you want, where you would like to be, how you would like to look, or how you can make things better. A very vivid big picture has been formulated in your head. Then all of a sudden the “Evil Thought and Fear” monster rears their ugly heads in your mind:
"HOLY COW what are you thinking?!?! I could never reach this; I am too far gone. Maybe I am just meant to be this way. How would I start? What if I fail? I can’t do that, don’t ask me to commit to something I can’t do. Maybe my vision is worthless. Oh, well this is hopeless.”
The big picture becomes insurmountable and scary and it is easier to run and hide than to dismiss the apprehension and face the fear to get what we want. How do we mentally get our heads on board???? Realize the arsenal of weapons at our disposal and taking full advantage of them.
Weapon 1…CONTROL: You have the control to change your situation. You have the control to design a plan, to get the proper help and support, to carry out a plan, and to even adjust a plan when necessary. Take charge and accept the control to get your mind in the game and keep it there until you have finished what you started. Change the negative thoughts of “I can’t” and “I’ll try” into “I can” and “I will”! I know that this is not easy and I assure you this task will forever be unending, but I can assure you that when you truly control the mind you assume the advantage and there are no limits to what you can achieve.
Weapon 2…BREAKING IT DOWN: (No….I did not say Breaking Dawn! However, Go Team Edward! But I digress) It is very difficult to jump from the beginning to end to immediately get what you want. As a result, it becomes necessary to break the big picture down in to smaller manageable pieces for you conquer one by one. Each piece is a smaller step or milestone that on its own may not seem like a big deal, but when added together with all the others lay the path to your final VISION. It is equally important to treat the achievement of each milestones as a VICTORY (imagine big band fan fare here!). Make sure you acknowledge and reward these victories to stay motivated and moving forward. Reward ideas may include: shopping, a trip to the spa, new book, new music for your workouts (PLEASE NOTE: I did NOT list food as a reward)
Weapon 3….SUPPORT SYSTEM: Surround yourself with the help, love, and positive influence of a team that will encourage you along the way. This team should be comprised of family, friends, support groups, church, or even people with the similar visions for themselves. Tell them your plan, what you want, why you want it, how you plan to get there, why you need their support, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, how they can help. No one should ever walk the path to their goals alone. Have the courage and strength to take others on the journey with you. Take comfort in knowing that you can draw strength and energy from them when the road seems to gets harder, longer, and seemingly more treacherous. Do this an increase your chances exponentially for success!
Weapon 4…..VISUALIZATION: Picture in your mind achieving your ultimate vision. Picture yourself completing each and every small step and task along the way; no matter how hard it may be. Walk vicariously down the paths of other people that have walked similar paths to yours and reached similar goals. Visualize their stories by talking to them, reading their blogs, looking at their photos, and learning about their successes and failures. Let the images of other peoples stories motivate and inspire. Taking advantage of visualization exercises such as these help to gain, re-gain, and maintain control of the mind and focus on the finish line.
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