Thursday, December 1, 2011

Somebody Call the Fire Department or......

....Get a fire extinguisher because the Group 2 transformation participants are coming to the end of their first two weeks and they are ON FIRE!
You are 8.5 lbs LIGHTER and two weeks STRONGER! 

You have definitely made us so proud!  If we keep this momentum up, everyone is going to see some amazing results and transformations.   Make sure you check out their individual pages for updates and journal entries on how they are doing.  http://www.

We are constantly in the process of making changes to the site so check back often for all the new and exciting evolutions of how the gang is doing and to see what is NEW!  Also, don't forget..... i
f you would like to offer your two cents or even better...five dollars of support ;) for these ladies please check out the support page and drop us a line….
It is kind of like giving them a “cyber hug” or a “virtual high five”!  Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. Your words of encouragement go a loooooong way in helping them on their journey.  To the ALL of the tranformation participants we say  
You are well on your way!

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